Friday, September 21, 2007

Eek, you nanapop chicken.

Seeing young girls fight with young boys is apparently very interesting. the boys call the girls fatty bom boms while the girls call them nanapop chicken(:
I remember making fun of nanapops on my primary school bus rides home with Cheryl. I dont understand how Cheryl managed to put up with my eeky disgusting ways. I sit in the bus with my legs wide open(and my panties werent nice either, they were hello kitty) and sleep on the bus like some ass, snoring my hours away, and i planned some devilish plans to torture little children, because there was no airconditioning at the back seats and always running and squashing my way in front to get the aircon switched on, not caring about the poor little primary ones sitting next to me.
I feel so devilish now just thinking of how disgusting i was. Cheryl must feel super happy now - but I heard she's very quiet now. I remembered what I used to call her too!Smartypants

Now that I sit on public buses I see more disgusting stuff.Haha(:

Today I mugged at thomson with ruth again - i finally know how to master all sorts of area questions, and im still mugging for plane mensuraments or cuboids and algebraa(: Talked with ruth and bought her hershey's sundae pie!

Eek,you nanapop chicken.

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