Sunday, November 25, 2007

You shine brighter than the whole milky way-

i feel so cheap and poor and low class in clarke quay. HAHHHHAH. even crabs and hooters makes me feel poor.
today we went to hooters for dinner after rotting on chairs and camwhoring, and it was really fun tho. the first time i went to clarke quay in the night and its really beautiful and dreamy! But the hooters waitresses were wearing orange FBTs pulled up till like infinitely like hot shorts. one of them were trying to seduce this american guy, showing their butt cracks and everything. He didnt even seem the least interested but the other guys were. haha:) it was fun watching though. And the big funky bump sign.

Haha today i was talking politics!
I really miss God, I really do. Talked to himm for a really really long time today, and i prayed to invite someone to youth camp. then i waited a few secs and sms-ed gillian. Then i prayed agaain (hahah to be sure to be sure!) and she really replied yes.! :) So i was really hyper at hooters and i was really happy with everything and the grace God has given. YAY!:)
Friday will be angmor days with my mummmm. Haha love our angmor days. Angmor days rule!:)