Saturday, November 3, 2007

i love you. very much. you didnt know that?


e said...

hello nicole :D sorry i didn't go yesterday, but my mind is a big blank. i think i did very stupid things. OH YAH. i was sewing a present :/ anyway, don't be sad AND I'M GLAD YOU LOVE SOMEONE :)

sxq said...

sigh! nicole! eh sam here k.
don't sound so troubled
1) what's wrong with fashion? some people like it (your sister, or me, or others) just like how you like (What's it called?) mangas?
2) you aren't fat, nor do you have a bulging tummy, you aren't a loser and no!! (for the 1000th) time you aren't antisocial! (just learn to BE with people and mix with them, it really isn't that hard I promise)
3) it's the hols. so loosen up and have fun. You deserve it!
